Additional Services Offered by Greer & Associates
Comprehensive Medical Office Regulatory Compliance and Risk Assessment Audit
Secure your business with a confidential, complete head-to-toe audit of your medical practice to identify areas of potential civil, regulatory and criminal risk. The audit will cover:
1. Office Policies and Procedures
2. Regulatory Compliance
3. Corporate Compliance
4. Business Documentation (e.g., employee manuals, radiology manual, required postings and employee disclosures, etc.).
You will be provided with a detailed written assessment of risks and deficiencies, instructions on how to bring your practice into full legal compliance, and many customized office forms, filings and contracts.
Total Cost:
$1,999 - Comprehensive Regulatory Compliance and Risk Assessment Audit
$299 - Annual Corporate Compliance Protection*
$2,999 - Five Year Protection Plan (full Comprehensive Audit and 5-year Corporate Compliance Program, a $495 discount off the $3,494 standard rate)
* Corporate Compliance Protection includes: filing annual statements, recording annual board of director meeting minutes, Greer & Associates becoming the agent for service, and updated mandatory disclosures and postings pursuant to changes in state, federal and local laws and ordinances. All filing fees are included in the total price of the service.